Display ODM-xml or Define-xml files in the browser


Chose a valid XML document and display it in the brower using the appropriate style sheet. Style sheet must exist in the same folder as the XML file.
Please allow up to 20 seconds for a large XML file to render.
Add an optional company name and an optional image file of the company logo to be part of the generated CRF pages.


XML file
Naming template
<Asset name> [CRF|SDTM|ADaM] Version <version number> <status>.xml
XSL Style Sheet

Parameters for the CRF

ODM-XML display type
Company Name
Company Logo (image file)

Parameters for Define-xml v 2

Number of CodeListItems to display
Display Methods table
Display Comments table
Display Prefixes ([Comment], [Method], [Origin])
Display Length, DisplayFormat and Significant Digits



Creating PDF documents

In all browsers, print the HTML renditions as PDF documents to disk as either SDTM annotated CRF specification, define.pdf, acrf.pdf or bcrf.pdf submission documents, etc.
Please note: